


-to become a part of the community where you live by making friends and taking part in local activities

- if a plant puts down roots, its roots become strong and established


About Us

Philly Roots is a developmental and competitive basketball program that enables players to reach their next level of competition. Effective teaching progressions, relevant conditioning and skill development techniques will equip the athlete with the tools necessary to play the game at their next level. The acquisition of skill will be complimented by teaching how the game should be played. Competition will solidify skills, game knowledge and mental toughness. It will expose the athlete to the next level. Knowledge of the intercollegiate athletic world will be used to facilitate players to their next level of play. We will help players navigate the college process. Philly Roots will work to enhance the athlete’s skill, work ethic, knowledge and exposure. These are the tools necessary to play at the next level. It is a positive, progressive and realistic approach to the game. The Roots program will incorporate best practices approach with the latest trends of the game. Philly Roots supports teams that compete on both a local and national level.     


“A lot of people notice when you succeed, but they don’t see what it takes to get there.”

Dawn Staley
